Creator Words

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Whose are These?

A muskrat…

Olympic level rodent swimmer.

A female cardinal…

the male cardinal’s perfection in feathers.

Bark of a cottonwood…

armor disguised as sculpture.

Norway pine needles…

cellular wind chimes.

A blue jay at the top of the Norway pine…

feathered spy watching me.

Five American pelicans soaring east…

silent, arial ballet.

A red-tailed hawk soaring in altitude increasing circles,

becoming a speck in a silent above everything world.

Three chickadees in front of me, hiding in a blind…

never still, too quick for a photo today.

Whose are these?

Not mine, nor yours…

They are God’s…maker of heaven and earth.



The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth;

you founded the world and all that is in it. Psalm 89:11