Creator Words

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Come Aside

Jesus speaks,

He softly says these invitation words aloud…

… “come aside.”

You can hear them, be still.

His offer a request for a time…

Leave the busy life.

Separate yourself from this speeding, highly agitated world.

He knows your fatigue.

He knows you are tired, weary, exhausted…


Confess your worn-out condition…your drained energy, your depleted soul.

The human race can overwhelm.

Jesus knows. He made your overworked body He knows your defeated soul.


You can hear Him calling…

“Come aside.”

(find the isolated, uninhabited wild place in my creation.)

“Rest awhile.”

You’ll find refreshment for your soul.


And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. Mark 6:31

Here’s the back story to this fuzzy photo…I had been sitting near the shore of the lake for nearly 30 minutes. In all of that time I had no clue there was a pair of wood ducks opposite me on the shore. Perhaps I moved too suddenly. Perhaps I cleared my voice…in a instant, they jumped into the water from the place they were on shore. I had only a blink to see them restless on the water before they exploded into the air. I could not catch the camera up to them. The fuzzy photos I did get all show them looking toward the spot where I was. They were an extremely cautious pair of wood ducks. This event was a part of my coming “aside.”