Above Terra Firma
You know…terra firma…
dry land.
Go above…
your feet,
your head,
above treetops,
higher than tallest buildings.
You can be safe…
Use your eyes.
Stand on terra firma and separate from earth…
Look upon clouds.
There are preferred days… big cloud days…
be aware of clouds ending
in sky beyond vision.
Big, long, and extra fleecy
Colored purple gray,
Sunlit white tops towering above
belts of cloud strata thousands of feet…
above terra firma.
Look up to the clouds…
Fix your eyes on something larger,
more powerful, with beauty and wonder
in a water filled package.
They belong to God.
He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. Psalm 104:5
Terra Firma belongs to God.
Look up at the heavens and see; gaze at the clouds so high above you. Job 35:5
Clouds are Gods daily creation.