Eternity in View
What is eternity? Hard questions are good for our minds…and souls. What is eternity? Do you like the word perpetuity? It is eternity. Does infinity create a more positive sensation for you? Infinity is eternity. Or, let’s use the phrase “time without end.” Eternity is permanence. One more, eternity is timeless.
Eternity is in your heart.
Eternity is in my heart.
God put it there. He put endlessness in our hearts.
Think of it. Endless, timeless, permanent, imperishable eternity in our hearts.
Let this fact settle into your soul.
Say to yourself, “There is eternity in my heart.”
Think about the many things this truth means.
Can you think of five?
This is the most important…we were made for a relationship with God.
What to see eternity?
Well, it is a model of eternity…a very good one.
It’s round and orbits the earth.
The moon shows us what eternity looks like.
For how many millennia has the moon cycled from full to new moon? It is almost endless, certainly seems timeless. For how many millennia has the moon kept its course around the blue planet? Can you see power in a full moon? Can you feel mystery when you look at it?
The moon reveals a touch of eternity.
You cannot explain all of the unknown questions about this lunar sphere.
No human has the mind of God.
Aren’t we relieved?
But… you can have a glimpse of eternity…look at a full moon. Should we know something about eternity?
I think so…