Everlasting Dominion

Words have power. It is said that while the tongue has no bones, it can break them. These words will not break your bones. It is my wish they will quiet your anxious heart. I have five words for you. They are, everlasting, dominion and Son of Man. These are trying times. Read on, and discover the great hope there is in these words.

Why did I choose these words? Why is Son of Man capitalized?

 Glad you asked. First why these words? These words belong with the same subject. They are words which describe a specific individual. From the very first day of His existence, there were people trying to kill Him. During the early years of His life He would have seemed like an ordinary boy. His parents were ordinary. They were poor. With their Son they lived in a small village in a Middle Eastern country we know as Israel today. His name? You already know, but it is Jesus.

 Why the capital letters for the words Him, He and Son of Man? English teachers and grammar experts greatly dislike the use of unnecessary capital letters. Please indulge me. He is also known in the Bible as the Son of God. Should God get a capital letter? Indulge me this time.

 Jesus was also called the Son of Man. In fact, the words, Son of Man are used 88 times in the Bible. There are many who believe that something mentioned only once in the Bible is important. But 88 times? Trust me dear friend, this is important. Jesus is the Son of God. He is also the Son of Man. Believe it.

 One day the people with Jesus asked Him, “How can you say the Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this ‘Son of Man?’ They did not believe Jesus was Son of God and Son of Man. (John 12:34) They could actually see Jesus. They could hear His voice. Many of them had witnessed Jesus perform true astonishing miracles…one of them, without question the most astonishing, was Lazarus who was dead Jesus raised him to life. May I remind you, Lazarus had been dead, in the grave four days. Jesus came to his grave and said, “Lazarus, come out!” Three words…Lazarus came out, still wrapped in the grave wrappings. Still, there were many who did not believe in Jesus…and they could see Him, hear Him.

 You want to know why everlasting and dominion go with Son of Man? Glad you asked. We get to take a “trip” into the Old Testament for the answer. It was Daniel, the Old Testament prophet who first spoke the words “Son of Man.” History records Daniel lived about 2550 years ago. Daniel spoke about Jesus. When he did, he used the words, everlasting and dominion. Daniel said,

“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.”(Daniel 7:13-14)

 All of my words bring us to this: Jesus is both Son of God and Son of Man.

Jesus has authority.

Jesus is Lord of all.

Read the last sentence of Daniel’s prophecy: The territory, or dominion which belongs to Jesus is the universe, including you and me. Jesus has the power, authority, and control over ALL. Adjectives are important. The word which describes the dominion of Jesus is everlasting. In case your memory, like mine needs occasional refreshing, synonyms for everlasting are: eternal, endless, ceaseless, perpetual, permanent, and with emphasis-FOREVER!

 Words have power. When we think about Jesus, He also has all power.

 Knowing that Jesus has all power also brings comfort. We do not understand a world-wide, virus. We do not know why so many have died. These are difficult things we have no answers for-Jesus does. While He did not cause the virus…He allows it-for a time. Jesus knows the names of every rioter. He loves each one who wrote obscenities on buildings, even the policeman.

Everlasting dominion is His.

No virus, no riot can take it away. God has given all power to His Son, who is the Son of Man. While smoke billows from burning buildings and mobs loot and destroy, Jesus’ kingdom never ends. Did you catch the fact that, “all nations and peoples of every language worshiped Him?”

 One more thing…While we have been fearful and anxious, while we have labelled the recent days as “trying times,” we have also lived in the “everlasting dominion” of Jesus. The moon is waxing, gaining illumination, it will soon be full once more. Birds like the Yellow-rumped Warbler have migrated to northern nesting grounds. Shorebirds like the mirror image Greater Yellow Legs survived their migratory journey. The Ring-necked Rooster Pheasant survived a cold lengthy winter. His call is heard for great distances. And once more the spring wet prairies echo with the other world call of the Wilson’s Snipe. That day long ago, they could see Jesus. Today-While we are unable to see Jesus-We can see His everlasting dominion in all He has made.

Yes, words have power, but they are still only words…the everlasting dominion of Jesus is ceaseless, perpetual divine and real power. Remember His everlasting dominion when hope is scarce. When worry and fear rise up remember the Son of Man. He is our true eternal hope.

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