Things Change
Number 10…last one.
This photo was taken almost three weeks ago. It is exactly 19 days from the time of the photo to the time of this writing.
We both know the flowers do not look like this now. Things change. Remember that each day of your life, remember-things change. Do not plan on permanence on earth. You will be disappointed.
Things change. There is one exception: God does not change.
He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Yesterday we used this verse to be a reminder that things look different when you change your perspective. Today, we find the words of this verse give us a solid, forever foundation to anchor our lives on: God.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
What difference does it make to you knowing God is steadfast? He never changes in His power, infinite wisdom, and everywhere present being. His love never changes. He is always just, always righteous. What difference does this make for every human being? What difference does it make for you?
God NEVER changes. Believe this, and you will never be disappointed.