Creator Words

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A Personal Theory About Birds

There was time for a short trip to the water last week.

Where there is water there are waterfowl. Birds, but especially waterfowl, are the source of a personal theory. My personal theory regarding birds is simple:

Birds show humans the power and love of God.

I am sticking to it.

These 4 are a family. The cygnets are the first and third birds…look for the rusty feathers on their heads.

My only submission as proof of this theory is feathers. One feather is a miracle. They are made of the protein beta keratin. This protein will not dissolve in water. There are few things which are not water soluble. A feather is one. That’s significant…do birds come in out of the rain? Feathers come in many types, each plays a part in flight, in bird’s shape and survival. Feathers have interlocking parts called barbs. With its beak, a bird can reform a feather which has lost its shape. Would you like a one-word description of that? Miraculous. Birds need to be able to reform feathers, they only exchange them for new ones once or twice annually. Right, there’s another…bird molt. Worn out feathers are replaced one at a time during molt. How many feathers do birds have? The mallard duck is the subject of the photos for this blog. Ducks Unlimited, the waterfowl organization had a biologist count the feathers on a mallard. While we cannot conduct a guessing game, this sentence allows your brain to think about the answer. It’s more than 10,000 feathers. The biologists said 11,903 on a mallard. There are also trumpeter swan photos with this blog…your guess? The biologists said, 25,216…but on a tundra swan. Tundra swans are smaller than the trumpeter swans. They weigh at least 5 pounds less. On a trumpeter swan we can easily estimate over 30,000 feathers. That’s a lot of miracles, would you agree?

Just one more miracle…down. No pun here, down is a type of feather. One website containing information on the subject of down began with these words: In all the years of human manufacturing, mankind has never been able to replicate the incredible, insulating qualities of down. Does this amaze you? Return with me to my bird theory:

Birds show humans the power and love of God.

One of the best examples of God’s love visible in a bird is, in my opinion, down. Waterfowl have many, many, downy feathers. The waterfowl in the photos were swimming in water just above 32 degrees. God knew they would live in cold climates.

My words are just the simple words of an aging grandfather who has been a life long bird admirer.

Does God really love?

These are the words of the bird CREATOR.

The Lord is merciful and compassionate,

slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

The Lord is good to everyone.

He showers compassion on all his creation.

Psalm 145:8-9

What do we find is true about God? (as stated in Psalm 145:8-9)

He is gracious.

He has compassion.

He is slow to anger,

rich in love,

good to all.

God has compassion on all…including birds.

God is CREATOR of the universe.

Think on these things. You’ve read these words from me before: watch the birds…they will help you believe in God as Creator.

Resting on the ground, these three mallards seem completely immune to the cold coming from the snow below.