Goin' Fishin'

History was made today.

Not in government…or sports…or Hollywood.

Still, today was a historical event.

The stock market did not go up.

Historians will not be writing about this historical event.

Nor did this event make national headlines.

It was nevertheless a historical day.

Today marked the start of the 5th year of a partnership.

Today began another year of team work and friendship around a common goal.

Just two friends with a common interest-fishing.

On ice, on liquid water, theirs is a fishing partnership.

There has never been fare fare.

Neither partner seeks it.

Theirs is a story repeated over and over by countless others who enjoy fishing.

Friendship, fellowship, laughter and adventure are the rewards of this partnership.

Sometimes they catch fish…a bonus.

There is always exercise, fresh air, and the beauty of creation.

Their souls are refreshed with each partnership venture…

on the water in warm weather, on ice in cold.

Yes, History was made today.

Two friends began their 5th year as fishermen…

partners on a quest, for friendship, fellowship and fish.

God directs every moment.

He made the partners.

He made the mystery and wonder of fishing.

He made the fish.

He put a love of His creation in their hearts.

Together they go fishin.’

He gives His love to one friend and the other.

Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.

1 John 4:7

David EllisComment