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5 Questions We Can Answer

Anyone who lives in a climate where the temperature falls below freezing there is a knowledge of frost. The white substance which coats trees, plants and grass like frosting is actually a miraculous substance. Most frequently it forms after daylight, the sun is a frost “demolisher.” Many cold climate dwellers, have put hoar frost on their personal top ten beauty list.

Hoar frost on spruce needles.

Water makes frost. But water must be cooled to below freezing. Now for a fact we sometimes forget…there is always water in the air. It’s called relative humidity. To make hoar frost the air must be still. Wind slows frost formation, even prevents it. A moment ago, the word miraculous was used. Do you find it amazing that water can be a part of the air? Think of it another way…there’s water in the air (I know…just said that). We breathe it in. Water…we can drink it from a glass, is in the air. It does not fall out of the air. Yes, it can easily be described as a miracle.

Hoar frost on White Birch twigs.

But let’s pile another miracle on top of water in the air. Drum roll for the other miracle. When the frost point (warm weather-dew point) of the air is reached-frost begins to grow on trees, plants, grass and anything else outside. Yes, frost grows. That’s a miracle. Want another?

When the frost point is reached and frost begins to form, it does not simply form as ice on plants. Frost develops in crystal form. No human skill can develop such beauty with water. Dew can freeze, but it will not grow as a frost crystal. Dew will not be white either. Another name for this white frost is hoar frost. White is a synonym for hoar.

Hoar frost on hybrid roses.

While human minds and hands can control the flow of water. And humans can direct the flow of water, and distill fresh water from salt water; no human can cause water vapor to freeze on all things outside. It is beyond human ability or strength to control the relative humidity and air temperature. While it is possible to grow ice crystals, it is not possible to control the shapes water makes when changing form.

Does this disappoint you? I mean knowing there is something beyond human control? Look at the formation of hoar frost this way. Hoarfrost formation occurs in special conditions. It follows specific identifiable rules. It is predictable-but not humanly possible. Do you think if humans could make hoar frost, we would mess it up? Probably.

Hoar frost on a hybrid shrub…I forgot what it is. But this is about hoar frost…it develops on shrubs I don’t even know the name of!

The last miracle is how beautiful hoar frost is. It could be plain and white frozen water. It is far from it. Yet, on day with thick hoar frost the sheer amount of hoar frost covering EVERYTHING causes the human mind to shut off. Because it is so common our minds conclude it is an ordinary substance. The only word to describe hoar frost is extraordinary. That is what miracles are.

Now it’s time for “questions at the conclusion.”

Questions at the Conclusion

First question, is hoar frost beautiful? Yes, therefore that makes it a gift.

Does the formation of hoar frost point to a power greater than human? Yes, that would be God.

Ready for the final five questions? Just think about miraculous hoarfrost as you read them. You’ll know the answer to every question.

Who has gone up to heaven and come down?

Whose hands have gathered up the wind?

Who has wrapped up the waters in a cloak?

Who has established all the ends of the earth?

What is his name, and what is the name of his son?

Surely you know! Proverbs 30:4

And this is the final question: Who decorates winter with hoar frost?

All photos were taken in our backyard…not some exotic wild place…hoar frost is winter beauty any place.