It's Not Blue

Time is short when this large bird flies to the bird feeder perch. The Blue Jay does not linger…it is grab and go! This bird knew I was in the blind a few feet away. I never made a sound, blended in with the black interior of the blind-but this bird…

Time is short when this large bird flies to the bird feeder perch. The Blue Jay does not linger…it is grab and go! This bird knew I was in the blind a few feet away. I never made a sound, blended in with the black interior of the blind-but this bird knew I was there.

It’s a new month.

You can start over.

Things are often best in the beginning.

Put the disappointments of last month in your rearview mirror.

Refresh your optimism tank, top it off…

Begin this month with eternal words of hope.


Begin this day with the end in view!

This world is not all there is!

Drench your every thought until your mind drips with these words from God!

There is rescue in Jesus! Live with these words today...they come directly from our Heavenly Father...


Paul has written these words for us to use as we begin every day!

Each new day we are given can begin with the truth of these words soaking into every pore of your soul.

Feel the hope swell.

Know… assurance.

Allow the infinite peace of God to coat your heart.

Here they are… the living words of God…

“Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”

Galatians 1:3-5

Do you doubt the validity of these words of hope?

Do you think God is unable to deliver on His promise?

He is powerfully able!

Not convinced?

Look at the Blue Jay.


It is not blue.

The pigment in a Blue Jay’s feathers is brown.

What? Wait!


Blue Jay feathers have pockets of air in them.

These air pockets absorb all the other colors of light…

except blue…which is refracted.

We see blue.

But the Blue Jay isn’t blue.


Could you design a feather?

How about a feather with air pockets?

Could you cause these air pockets to absorb every color but blue?

Not me.

And no disrespect intended…

Not you.


Where do grace and peace originate?

With God…

What about forgiveness of sin?

From God…

How about rescue from evil?

Only God…


Who deserves glory and honor?

The One who gives us…

grace and peace.


What a way to begin a month!

What a way to begin every day!


Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is an absolutely amazing bird…besides the fact that it is not blue.

This is an absolutely amazing bird…besides the fact that it is not blue.

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