Creator Words

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Bird Therapy

You and I need some “bird therapy.”


A friend called it that today. What is bird therapy?

The birds perch here before the short hop to our bird feeder. Well, not on the ground at the base of this ash tree…imagine the tree above…there are many branches to balance a bird.


Stated plainly, “bird therapy” is watching birds long enough to forget your worries and troubles and become engrossed in the life of the bird. Bird therapy brings healing. Watching birds fly is a miracle. How the combination of hollow bones, feathers and combinations of muscle produces flight is a true phenomenon. Or spend time observing how they feed on seeds or insects…with only beaks and bird feet. Then-Add the delight of hearing their calls and witnessing the colors and patterns on feathers; it’s all therapy. To say birds are miracles with feathers is not exaggeration.


Watch them break open a sunflower hull…with only a sharp beak and feet to hold the seed.

But you have to watch.

It is not time wasted.


Bird therapy involves a pause in the rush of life. It is an intentional activity. Slowing life down for a time each day provides significant health benefits. Bird therapy reduces human stress levels. It slows our pulse rate. To obtain the optimal bird therapy advantages it is best to be outside. The air is cleaner, fresher out there. There are times when bird therapy is desired that walking is required. Imagine the advantages there are with walking. The evidence is overwhelming; these are health producing…we can honestly say it is a way to attain health.

It only takes a few sharp pecks and the seed is out…the hulls flutter to the ground.


While all time spent outside results in similar body responses, only bird therapy is mentioned by the Creator of birds and the universe in this way. While on earth, Jesus specifically reminded His listeners about bird therapy in a specific context: WORRY.


During His earthly ministry, Jesus brought up the subject of worry.


Do you worry? I am quite certain you do. I am sure because, I worry.


In the context of teaching about worry, Jesus used birds as an example to us. They show us what life is like when free of worry. Birds are physical models of another truth: God cares for them. Birds do not have freezers or cupboards filled with food. Yet-God provides…food and water, even shelter. But unless we observe birds in the middle of living, the example and benefit they provide us is lost. Why did Jesus use birds as a model of a worry-free life? Because He made birds, He knew what birds would do for the soul. And He made us…mind and soul. God loves you and me. Are you worried? Have you tried bird therapy?

The White-Breasted Nuthatch has a strong affinity for sunflower nuts too.


 “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Matthew 6:25-27



Sometimes we need to be reminded.

There is something we can do about worry.

While we watch His birds, we can tell Him our worries…

Call it bird therapy.

It is endorsed by God!