Look at the Sky
Truth 3: God Saves
Cumulo-nimbus, Minnesota mountains.
Look at the Sky
Truth 3: Only God is able to save and bless us at all times. Have I made this up? Does sharing this truth give us false hope? Believe these words of Paul from the 2nd book of Corinthians:
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8
In that abundant blessing there is forgiveness of sin. Having our sins forgiven is our first need. God graciously met our need for forgiveness and righteousness through Jesus. Our sins come from Adam, our righteousness comes from Jesus. Listen to Paul’s words again from Romans 5:19, “For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.” Only God is able to save us and bless us at the same time.
I know we are alike. We hear the truth, yet we doubt. Read these words of comfort. These are God’s perfect words of comfort for you and me today. Whatever trial or struggle you have waiting for you as you leave this page today-know this- God knows everything about it. He knows the details you do not. He is with you. He loves you. His strength is waiting for you. Tell Him. He is Everything we need.
Here are the final words of Isaiah from his book chapter 40:29-31. Listen to the power and know the comfort in these words from our loving Father in heaven:
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Thunderstorm to the south
Here is the bonus story behind the cloud photos for this blog.
May this story help you understand and believe that God can save us from our sins.
Clouds are evidence of God’s awesome infinite power. There are no mountains where we live. There are seasonal mountains though. They occur every summer as cumulo-nimbus clouds containing thunderstorms roll from west to east above our West Central Minnesota home.
Water filled air rises forming these clouds. They are convective clouds. The warmer air in them rises carrying great amounts of water vapor with them. These clouds can build to heights of 25,000 feet. Only Mount Everest and a few other Himalayan mountains are taller. Rock mountains are permanent as long as earth endures. The Minnesota cloud mountains are temporary, in view for a few hours or less.
The cumulo-nimbus in the photos for this blog were taken from our deck.
How many gallons of water would you estimate are in them? One gallon of room temperature water weighs 8.32 pounds. These clouds were filled with uncountable gallons of water! They dropped rain on us but carried their immense load of water to the north-and they did not burst. Cumulo-nimbus clouds spread life giving water over most of the earth. The weight of water has never caused them to rupture. They travel hundreds of miles with their loads of water. They are part of the water cycle.
Only a sovereign God can create such massive, powerful and majestic clouds.
Can God save you from your sin, can you throw all of your hope on Him? Look at the clouds!
My eyes never tire of these massive cloud mountains.
As you come to the end of this post, I leave you with these three truths:
Truth 1: We know how all things came into existence: God. He spoke them into existence…from nothing.
Truth 2: God is sovereign. Even in great trouble and suffering God is near and overall. Jesus has overcome the world-and its troubles. Jesus is supreme over all.
Truth 3: Because of 1 and 2… 3 is true: God is able to save and bless us at all times.
Father, Lord and God of heaven and here on this page, thank you for your unimaginable power. Thank you for your infinite love and mercy. Thank you, Lord that in you we have hope. Show us your love, give us your hope. Today and forever. Thank you, Lord that your power is greater than all our sin, greater than all our trials. Thank you, Lord God, for Jesus. Jesus thank you for living on earth, dying on the cross for our sins and conquering death that we may be forgiven of our sins. Thank you, Jesus that today we can have eternal hope because of you.
Jesus remind each person who reads these words of your great love. Remind us of the truth that you never leave us or forsake us. Strengthen all of us to fix our eyes on you. In your eternal, strong name Jesus we pray. Amen.
This telephoto image of a massive cumulo-nimbus revealed great detail…and breathtaking beauty.