Truth in Three Parts
Truth sets us free. Truth provides us with direction to lead our earthly lives. Here are three truths about God which you can set your life’s course on. We’ll do them one day at a time…24 hours to reflect on each of the three. I promise to be praying for God to do His work in your heart. He knows our needs.
Truth 1: We know how all things came into existence-God created them, everything-all. God’s living word the Bible is clear. Our first confirming truth comes from the Old Testament book of Amos chapter 4, verse 13. It reads:
“He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind,
who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth—the Lord God Almighty is his name.”
Amos 4:13
Amos was the man from Tekoa, a grower of sycamore figs and shepherd. He was one of the minor prophets, but he lived at the same time as Isaiah, and Hosea. Amos was called by God to speak judgement on Israel for ignoring God’s laws…and God. Amos taught that God is righteous and just. He prophesied destruction for Israel because the nation did not worship God.
In this verse Amos reminded Israel of 5 things. These 5 things are still true today. They are about mountains, wind, God’s thoughts, dawn and darkness and the heights of earth.
One-it is God who formed the mountains. Have you seen a mountain this summer? Mountains are inspiring. Mountains are massive. To be a mountain there must be elevation. Mountains usually begin at an elevation of 2,000 feet, it is just a hill otherwise. Mountains are majestic, they affect earth’s weather, they provide snow melt water used by thousands of people, plants and animals around the world. Mountain waters provide life. Mountains do something else: they inspire the human heart. We have numerous explanations for the origin of mountains. Amos is clear mountains were formed by God.
Mountain photo source:
Two is about wind. Wind is air in natural motion. Wind has velocity. Some wind is a gentle touch on the skin, sometimes wind creates a blizzard with white out conditions. Wind makes the weather on the earth circulating air, forming rain clouds, drying the earth after rain. Wind is movement of air from cooler to warmer areas. Without wind, earth would have no weather. There would be no ocean currents, no trade winds, no movement of life-giving water vapor to all the earth. Science and meteorologists continually learn more about wind. Amos reminds us Who creates the wind-every day…God does.
Wind photo source:
Three- “Who turns dawn to darkness?” We take sunrise and sunset for granted. We expect it to happen. Both do-every day. Sunrise and sunset are so regular so predictable that we are able to create specific tables for the sunrise and sunset. Think about the power behind keeping an object like the sun in perfect place. Think of the precision with which the earth orbits the sun. Think of how sunrise and sunset in perfect order effects all life on the earth. Who could do such a supremely powerful thing? Meticulous exactness is no accident.
Sunset on a Minnesota DNR Wildlife Mamagement Area, near Nimrod, Minnesota
This makes four. Could you physically walk on the heights of the earth? Some have climbed to the top of Mount Everest, they do not stay long. The heights of the earth could be thought of as the earth’s atmosphere. The layers of the blanket of air about earth are the troposphere, stratosphere and mesosphere. The view at the top of the mesosphere must be astounding, it begins 40 miles above earth’s surface. Only a space walk would allow a human to walk the heights of earth. Who does it constantly?
Could we walk the heights of earth? These cumulo-nimbus clouds towered to the east. What is the view like from their tops?
Now for five, Amos reminds us of one other key fact in verse 13. God reveals His thoughts to us. Think of it…God, Creator of all things, reveals His thoughts to us. Why would the One who made mountains, sunrise and set, wind that covers earth reveal His thoughts to us? This may surprise you. He loves us-you and me. Where can we find God’s thoughts? They are collected in His word, the Bible.
Want to know the thoughts of God? They are in the Bible. It was written for our eyes to see. Source of photo: