“Comfort in Sovereignty”
What is sovereignty?
Sunrise this morning…God puts the color in the clouds.
God knows...all.
God is everywhere...at the same time.
All power is His...power beyond the entire universe.
One more thing-God is love-perfect love.
Let me repeat that, not to annoy, but to emphasize. Only God knows how to love perfectly.
These cumulus formed rain showers by mid afternoon.
There is deep, eternal comfort in the sovereignty of God. Let these truths brew in your soul.
He is present in our lives right now.
He is actively at work...be wise.
Understand, invisible does not prove God does not exist.
Silence does not mean God does not speak.
Trouble does not mean God does not care.
The northwest wind moved these cumulus rapidly.
Take a breath. Sip your coffee, or your tea.
Look out the window at the sky...He gives us breath. He made the air...the coffee, the water for coffee, the sky beyond and the stars in the universe beyond that.
These are just the edges of God’s sovereignty.
Be comforted this moment.
Know God is over all.
He is in control
We are not.
This truth gives eternal hope.
God is sovereign.
There is blue sky behind every dark cloud.