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Beyond Our Vision

This happened yesterday.

It was a reminder that things are happening beyond my vision.

Things always happen beyond my vision. But that’s expected. It’s not a disappointment.

This time, I saw.

It surprised me. It seemed a bit too soon for this to happen. If I’m not mistaken, those birds were migrating, on August 9. No, I never counted them. But my guess is about fifty American White Pelicans. Why didn’t I count them? I was too busy watching them soaring. They were in two flocks, but traveling together as one group. Their soaring was not synchronized. They didn’t collide because one group was soaring at a lower altitude. It looked like mass confusion from my viewpoint.

The pelicans were in total control of the flight. There were no collisions. They circled above in a counter-clockwise flight. There was no sense of urgency. Do birds enjoy flying? I certainly enjoy watching pelicans circle and soar.

Only when they were circling out of view did it strike me that this was a migratory flock. Don’t become alarmed my friend. Pelicans are not the only birds who begin their southbound journey early.

What things happen beyond your vision?

There will be fewer if you look up more often.

Looking up is rewarding.

Now…enjoy the view of the pelicans soaring. (I had my camera with me.)