Creator Words

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Charge it to Me

 "So if you consider me a partner, welcome him as you would welcome me. If he has done you any wrong or owes you anything, charge it to me."

Philemon 1:17-18


It is believed that  Onesimus stole from Philemon. He was also Philemon's property-his slave. Onesimus committed these crimes in the Roman Empire...his punishment by law was death. He wouldn't be the first slave who died for his wrongful behavior.


He was a thief and a disobedient runaway slave. Justice demanded death.


Then Paul entered the life of Onesimus.

Onesimus was introduced to Jesus. His life changed forever. Then Paul stood in place of Onesimus. He told Philemon, the rightful owner, he, Paul would pay the price of the stolen money. Paul would take the punishment (even death) that Onesimus deserved for running away.


Who does that?




Now think of this…

Our sins cause us to RUN away from God. Every good and perfect gift given us by God the Father we steal. We complain. We are bitter. The perfect gifts God gives are not enough. We want more...we covet. We are angry with our loved ones. We use God's name in vain. We lust and lie. There's more but you get it by now. We've broken God's Law of the Universe. We are total thieving runaways.


No one steals and runs from God-and lives.


God is entirely just, perfectly righteous. Justice demands that we die for stealing from God. Justice demands that we die for "running" away from Him.


But God speaks.

Heaven is silent.

We hear these words:

"Charge it to me."


We see Jesus on the cross.

We hear Him say:

"It is finished!"

That’s right…

God, Creator of the Universe…the One with all power, the One everywhere present…the One who knows all things…says:

“Charge it to Me.”

He has paid the debt of sin for you…and me.