Creator Words

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The Mandatory Question

What is the kingdom of God like?

This is a serious question.

 Jesus asked it…that makes it a question not to be ignored.

 Jesus asked the question then He asked a second question

 “To what shall I compare God’s kingdom?”

His answer?  God’s kingdom is like a tiny seed and yeast.


“He said therefore, “What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his garden, and it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches.” And again, he said, “To what shall I compare the kingdom of God? It is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.””

Luke 13:18-21


Let’s make an effort to answer the two questions Jesus asked. The answers will affect us forever. They may even change our “right now” for us.


Doesn’t the first question ask us to explain and describe something we haven’t seen? We think that. It’s because we assume that God’s kingdom is in heaven. But that is only partially correct. God’s kingdom is also earth…our solar system and the universe beyond. God made them all. If God’s kingdom is also where God is…well…God is everywhere present. AND God is present with us, on earth.


First fact: everything in nature is a product of God’s perfect plan. We CAN see a part of God’s kingdom. Is it not logical? God is infinite. What do we know about universe today? It seems to have no end. God’s kingdom shows us His infinite power. What we see, the Bible tells us, (the universe and earth) was created by the WORD OF GOD-it was not made from what is visible!

By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. Hebrews 11:3

God’s kingdom shows His infinite love. Have we ever watched a sunrise…a sunset…gloried in a rainbow horizon to horizon…examined a snow crystal? Where does our next breath come from? God’s love does all this and infinitely more. We are never out of the love of God. We may deny God-yet God never leaves us.

What might we compare to the kingdom of God?

To those listening to Jesus, a mustard seed would have been the smallest seed known to them. Yet it grew to a plant 8-12 feet tall.  In most bread recipes the amount of yeast is about 1% of the entire loaf! A tiny mustard seed…God’s kingdom began with a single God word…now it includes all of the universe! At the single God word, like yeast, God’s kingdom spread everywhere.

What is the kingdom of God like?

1. The Kingdom of God is vast, beautiful, and filled with the power and love of God-and this is only what we can see today!

2. The smallest things are examples of God’s kingdom…a seed…a grain of yeast. Everything and everywhere…that’s the answer to question 1.

This brings us to another question. If you are counting this is Question Three.

If God’s kingdom shows His power and love and is everywhere-does it seem wise for us to believe in Him and bow our hearts before Him?


Perhaps this feels like being forced into a corner against your will. You and I don’t have a say in this. News flash…this is God’s world. He’s in charge…but He is not a dictator. He is almighty loving God.

Our best approach in this case is honest response. An honest answer to the question “What is the kingdom of God like?” changes everything…this is fact-and no human being will be able to ignore the question or its answer.