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Little Gray Bird

An ordinary bird?

Small, plain, gray and black, white bars on its tail.

Call the Dark eyed Junco common, 200 million make North America home.

Its diet- seeds, insects in season, fuels its song, flight, life.

Ground nesting, sloping earth, tree roots…a private earth niche.

Three to six eggs, under an inch long occupy nests.

 Miraculous hatch within 12 days.

Ordinary, really?

Not close.

Junco migration is community action…always many.

Junco nesting in coniferous forests makes them temporary residents elsewhere.

Twice a year birds, fall, spring.

How do they know migration “when?”

Think of it as first-rate bird wisdom…God given.

Where is the one who makes us smarter than the animals and wiser than the birds of the sky?’ Job 35:11