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Overwhelmed with Wonder Rewind

Stunned…dumbfounded, staggered…spellbound.

We call it overwhelmed.

It’s speechless…incredulous absolutely astounded.

Overwhelmed happens daily…

if we see it, if we are not distracted,

by the mundane.

That is underwhelmed.

Choose overwhelmed every time.

Awe…three letters;

Call it astonished, swell your heart with admiration,

be amazed, drop your jaw, suck in your breath.

Be struck by awe.

If we see it, if we are not distracted,

by the mundane.

Awe is astonished wonder.

It fills human hearts with joy, peace, and removes fear.

Choose awe every time.

Where does overwhelmed awe originate?

Look at Jesus.

Overwhelming awe is in creation…see the frost?