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Evidence of Compassion

Is compassion scientific? Can compassion and science be combined?

They can. Consider these ideas.

Let’s agree on what compassion is, so we can walk through this together. Compassion requires mercy, that’s sympathy and concern in a dual package. But compassion is more. It is a hybrid of kindness and consideration. It is a blessing to receive compassion from another. Do we want to receive compassion? All of us do.

Next, where does compassion come from? It seems to me there are two sources. There is human compassion and compassion from God. One kind is imperfect, it is humanly impossible for either of us to give perfect compassion. It is perfectly possible to receive flawless, faultless compassion from God. Imagine how beyond our understanding is the compassion God gives

Want to see the compassion of God? Both of us understand things that are concrete more than things which are abstract. Nothing is more concrete than nature…examine the compassion of God seen in nature…we’ll use some science as we do.

Water…where would human life, any life on earth be without this life-giving substance. It occurs in three forms, solid, liquid and gas. Remember 97% of earth’s water is salty, only 3% is fresh. Life on earth has continued for millennia…on 3% of the total amount of earth water. Can you see compassion in this?

The Water Cycle…we humans live the 3% of earth’s fresh water-fact. Fact TWO-earth’s water is in a constant state of motion. Scientists call it the water cycle. The water cycle functions without ANY human intervention. In fact, we humans have been unable to mess up the water cycle. Daily, the earth and humans are refreshed by cleansed, fresh, life giving water. Meteorologists estimate there are 1,800 thunderstorms which occur on earth-EVERY day.

Insects…biologists estimate there are 10 quintillion insects living on earth…quintillion-that’s 10 followed by 18 zeros. Insects pollinate plants which produce human food. They feed a vast number of other life forms and more than 25% of the world’s human population use insects as food. Why so many insects? Compassion! See an insect? You are witness to the compassion of God!

My apologies for shouting, but can you feel the power? Can you feel loved? Do you see the compassion?

And, we’ve only reviewed water and insects. There are birds, mammals, gravity, air with oxygen, nitrogen and other gases. There is light, a 93,000,000 miles distant sun which perfectly supports the photosynthesis of plants on earth. We both get the concept.

These wonders are about the marvelous blue planet. But they SHOUT of the compassion of God.

Can you feel peace as you gaze at this photo? The end of the day, sunset, nearly calm wind, with birdsong…this is peaceful…

Guess what? This is the best for last. No human being can mess this up. There is no individual, no nation, no government or individual leader who can influence the compassion of God. On what does the compassion of God depend?

God’s perfect grace filled mercy.

 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. Romans 9:16

These clouds never cease to amaze me.