Creator Words

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Scripture Which Connects Us With Creation

Creation Scripture


Why search for God’s Hand in all of creation?

Answer: Romans 1:20

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

From the beginning:

Genesis 1:1-2-God created all

Genesis 8:22-Earth endures

Genesis 9:13-Rainbow promise

1 Kings 4:32-34 (Solomon-naturalist)

Nehemiah 9:6-God made all-gives life

Job 9:1-10-Infinite wisdom of God

Job 12:7-10-Ask birds/animals-they know

Job 26:7-14-God wraps water in clouds

Job 37-God’s voice roars

Job 38:12-13-Can you order new mornings?

Job 39:26-27-Whole Chapter-God knows

Psalm 19:1-4-The heavens declare

Psalm 24:1-2-Earth belongs to God

Psalm 46:10-Be still-know

Psalm 50:10-12-It’s ALL God’s

Psalm 65:5-9-God provides for earth

Psalm 89:6-7,37-No one like God-Moon witness

Psalm 93:1-2- World established by God

Psalm 94:9-11-God made eyes/ears

Psalm 95:4-5-He holds the ocean

Psalm 104:3-5-Clouds are God chariots

Psalm 111:2-3-All God’s works-GREAT

Psalm 119:64-Earth fill with-God’s love

Proverbs 30:4-6-Waters wrapped in God cloak

Ecclesiastes 11:5-Cannot understand God’s work

Isaiah 6:3-Whole earth filled-God’s glory

Isaiah 44:24-I AM-I MADE

Isaiah 45:5-7, 18-I AM-light and dark-heaven’s creator

Isaiah 48:12-13, 29-God-earth foundation maker

Isaiah 55:8-9-God’s thoughts higher

Jeremiah 8:7-Stork knows seasons

Jeremiah 10:6-7 & 12-13-NO one like God

Jeremiah 32:17-nothing too hard for God

Jeremiah 33:3-God will show unsearchable-ask

Jeremiah 51:15-16-God made earth

Amos 4:3-God forms mountains

Amos 5:8-God made Pleiades/Orion

Habakkuk 2:4-Strength from God

Acts 17:24, 28a-God made the world

1 Peter 1:24-Word of God endures forever