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BIG SCREEN Families-Snow Crystals

How is your attempt to change your family going?

What? You forgot?

Remember-We are working on a family project…Disconnect regularly from your indoor screens.


Become a BIG SCREEN family.


A BIG SCREEN family spends regular time outside.

If possible…EVERY day.

 The biggest screen currently in production for retail sales is 86” That is slightly more than 7 feet across! Pretty big…and very expensive. You can buy a lot of groceries instead and become a BIG SCREEN family.

 BIG SCREEN Families (BSF) go outside.


How large in feet is the sky from the eastern horizon to the western horizon? Bet its more than 7 feet. Horizon to horizon every place the human eye scans is filled with color, living things, sights, sounds, scents and touch.


No big screen regardless if it is “smart” can stimulate the human heart and senses like the BIG screen of nature.


Just one ore…does your indoor screen, large or small improve your physical and emotional health? Does your screen allow you to exercise? Can it reduce your stress and the stress of your children? Can your indoor screens stimulate critical thinking? How about improve attitudes? Can your indoor screens make you and your children healthier?


The BIG SCREEN of outdoors can reduce stress, improve health, and refresh the soul.


Need a list for that? Time outside can:

·       Reduce stress

·       Lift depression and reduce anxiety

·       Reduce thoughts about self

·       Increase inspiration

·       Improve social skills

·       Remove a feeling of disconnection with others

·       Always provides a dose of awe to thrill the heart


Besides…becoming a BSF is easy on your family budget. It’s free…just go outside.


A BSF Activity for Winter…

Snow Crystals!


Northern families who live in places where snow fall have an amazing opportunity. Each snow fall presents a stunning show of exquisitely designed snow crystals. When it snows drop the other things your family has in mind and go outside to view snow crystals.


Equipment is simple:

1.       Warm clothes…dress warmly! Too hard to get all the winter gear on for a few minutes? Don’t think about it. Think of the benefits which will occur outside…and recur when you bring the kids in again…you’ve got to try.

2.       Something black for the snow crystals to fall on …a black binder, sheet of black paper, something with a flat surface-and black. REMEMBER to set it outside before you get the kids ready so it is cold and won’t melt the crystals.

3.       A hand lens…or one for everyone. Yes…a hand lens. A folding pocket magnifier with two 5X lenses which combined provide a 10X is all you need. If you already have magnifying lenses laying around use them. Remember to get them cold first, or they will melt the crystals too. An example of a folding two 5X lens magnifier may be found at-


 What to Do to View Snow Crystals…

No list needed…go outside and look. Begin by having your kids watch the crystals fall on mittens and coat sleeves. When they have become interested…get serious and take out the hand lens and the black surface paper.


Plan for a long involvement with snow crystals…End your first viewing of snow crystals when the kids are still excited to look at them. Tell them you’ll go out again during the next snow fall.

 1.       Bring them inside and show them a snow crystal chart.

2.       Next snow fall before you go out, show them the crystal formation chart.

3.       You’ll know when to share with them about the life a person who spent a life time photographing snow crystals. This is a fascinating true life story.

Just in case…it is possible one of your kids may ask. Or you may ask it with the intent to connect every snow crystal to God.

ASK: Where does snow come from? Answer: God’s snow storehouse.

 Now read Job 38:22  “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of the hail?” Then you can say, “We cannot go to God’s snow storehouse, but we can see when He takes some to sprinkle on earth.!”

 You can become a BIG SCREEN Family this winter. All you need is a light snowfall. Remember-no two snow crystals are alike…ever!

Warning: This will become addicting!

Look at the photos, you’ll see why…(Click on the picture for the next one!)