Creator Words

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Supreme... highest rank.

Superior...above all.

Only Jesus...Supreme Superior-the ONE…


Above all, no one greater, no one with greater power, no one but Jesus with infinite knowledge. See the supreme glory and power of Jesus as we study God’s book of Hebrews.  May knowing that Jesus is Supreme and Superior to all created things change our thoughts, actions, speech and behavior...with every breath we take. Jesus is Supreme. This truth changes life today and forever. There is no greater truth. There is no one above Jesus.

Let Supreme-Superior settle deep in your being.

 "In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe."

Hebrews 1:1-2

God speaks to us through Jesus. Oh, what clear words of mercy, love and grace we hear from Jesus. His words are eternal truth. His words are life. His words free us from sin.

One more.

Go outside-your backyard is a good place. Look at the trees. Breathe the air. Close your eyes listen to the wind, birds-the natural sounds. If you want to go to extreme lengths (I suggest it.) lay on your back. Try eyes closed. Grip the grass between your fingers and hold on to earth-made by Jesus.

Say, "Thank you Jesus."


The world we live in. The hope of heaven. Our righteousness. Not being treated as our sins deserve…

All from Jesus.


