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Flight to Egypt

They did not book a flight to a foreign country. They walked.

This was not a trip on an air-conditioned air plane. It was a dusty journey through a desert. Just the three of them.

It was flight…fleeing. Did they look over their shoulders?

Consider Joseph.

He was engaged to Mary. He discovered she’s pregnant. He loved Mary so he planned to quietly separate from her. Matthew uses the words “divorce he quietly.” (Matthew 1:19)

The first dream with an angel changed his mind. It set his course for obedience. (Matthew 1:24)

What the angel spoke of regarding Jesus happened. He kept his vow to take Mary as his already pregnant wife. Joseph and Mary journeyed to Bethlehem. Jesus was born. Then to their great surprise, shepherds came uninvited to worship Him. Later, the Magi came to the house where Joseph and Mary lived with Jesus. Astonished, Joseph watched the three noble men. He saw their lavish gifts. He watched so more as these esteemed men got to their knees and worshiped Jesus. Did Joseph think of the 1st angel dream?

What would be the cumulative effect of these unexpected events on Joseph? At first, he suffered heartache at Mary’s news. But his sorrow was exchanged for wonder and joy. Jesus brought it.

To those who come to Him Jesus brings wonder today…and joy.

There’s more to this account. (it’s not a story-it really happened.) The excitement of the Magi’s visit had not gone away when Joseph had another unexpected angel visit…we do not direct angels-God does. Matthew writes about the 2nd angel visit with these words.

 “When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

Matthew 2:13-15


What was Joseph’s response?

He obeyed.

The day before he was a patient, contented, quiet resident of Bethlehem. Not after the angel’s visit. Matthew wrote that Joseph was a righteous man. (Matthew 1:19) Focus on Joseph’s obedience to God not righteousness. Righteousness and obedience to God are a team…they are a package. To obey is part of righteousness. Now tally the unexpected events in Joseph’s life. There were many. Some were difficult to accept-like this one.

Have you thought about what the angel’s command meant to Joseph?

Go to Egypt?

Egypt is a long journey on foot. Go to Egypt?

Mary and Jesus seemed completely safe in the “little town of Bethlehem.”

Hebrews don’t speak Egyptian.

And where would they live?

Then there are the “what ifs?” When one is thought of, another comes.

What if robbers attack us?

What if Herod sends soldiers?

What if? What if? What if?

You get the idea.

There were seemingly sound reasons to ignore this angel’s command.

Not for Joseph. This “righteous” man obeyed.

“So, he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt…”

Wait…did you read those words carefully?

Matthew wrote, “he got up’…that’s Joseph. He got up the very night he had the dream. There was no rolling over till morning. He got up. What next? Joseph woke his wife and baby Jesus. How did he explain the dream to Mary? We don’t know. But Mary listened, and she and Joseph packed their belongings, wrapped up Jesus-and left for Egypt the same night of the angel visit!

What hard thing are you facing?

In all of life there are two choices-Joseph and Mary were no different.

Obey God.

Disobey God.

Joseph and Mary show us what trust and obedience look like.

Joseph was a righteous man. (Righteousness comes from God.)

That’s right-God gives righteousness to all who seek it…and He gives strength to obey.

Jesus, make us like Joseph and Mary…trusting and obedient to you.