Creator Words

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Mission Impossible

There’s no way.

It cannot be done.

Don’t laugh. The first attempt to succeed involved fig leaves. Remember Adam and Eve? They were the couple that started this whole- what shall we call it?

Does mess work?

They were the original sinners. They attempted to “cover” their sins. We remember their solution: fig leaves! I said attempted. Fig leaves went out of style fast.

Why are we talking about Adam and Eve? Aren’t we discussing the Sermon on the Mount? Easy-they are connected. From the first man and woman to the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount every person on earth has had to deal with what the first man couple started. Sin.

Matthew 5:17 repeats the words of Jesus: “I have come to fulfill the Law.” In verse 20 Jesus said, “For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” What is the quality of righteousness you and I need? The word Jesus used was “exceeds.”

No human exceeds.

Now the Scribes and Pharisees appeared to be righteous…emphasis on appeared to be. But Jesus knew their hearts. He saw the sin in them, even though they were able to hide them by what appeared to be righteousness on the outside. The righteous behavior of the Scribes and Pharisees was “fig leaves.” It looked good. Their hearts were still sinful.


We use “fig leaves” to justify and cover our sin. Jesus said our righteousness had to “exceed” to be MORE than the religious leaders! Our “fig leaves” are excuses. One of the biggest most often used is “people are basically good.” Another, “at least I’m not like… (fill in the blank.) We swindle ourselves with excuses that will never “exceed.” Call them fig leaves.


In the Sermon on the Mount, we’ve come to “Mission Impossible.” In the next verses (21-48) Jesus lists 6 examples of the “fig leaf” righteousness the Scribes and Pharisees use to deal with…murder, adultery, divorce, oaths, revenge, and love your enemies. It’s not only the religious leaders who are guilty.


We’ll take these six one at a time. After all, these are the words of Jesus.

Ever thought you aren’t so bad? At least you’ve never murdered anyone?

But Jesus said… “Anyone who says “You fool!” will be in danger of the fire of hell.” (Read Matthew 5:21-22 below.)


There it is…

For us it’s Mission Impossible.

And there are 5 more examples…

Fig Leaf excuses won’t work.

Nothing you or I do will work. Being righteous is humanly impossible.


Righteousness comes from Jesus.