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The Great High Priest

The title sounds like some religious cult movie. Yes, it is religious. But-It is no human-made movie. This title depicts the real, the true, the deepest need of every human drawing breath at this moment. This title is not fiction but fact.

We need a High Priest. We do.

We, the breathing ones, cannot escape the sin that so "easily entangles" us. Because of our sin we are doomed to eternal punishment. That punishment is forever being kept from the love and presence of God.

We are not "good people." Our default setting is evil. By ourselves we cannot love God. By ourselves we cannot love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Left to our own devices we will sin. It's our nature...our bent...sin is our norm. Sin is evil.

Do not buy the lie that people, including you are basically “good.” Truth is, no living person is good. In God’s righteous eyes, every human falls short. No, none of us are good…not one.

Can you feel the weight of it? If so, that's good. Does the burden of sin bring a feeling of hopelessness. That's another thing about takes away hope...left to ourselves we are like a paddler paddling away from shore going with the current. With the current is easy. But ahead out of the paddler's vision lies death in a killer falls no paddler ever survives.

We are called to turn from our sins.

The Great High Priest calls all. "Come to me. Turn around-Paddle against the current of your sin. You we made for a life with me in heaven. Turn, repent. You will find mercy and grace and forgiveness for your sins."

See your great need today? It is mine as well. We desperately need a High Priest…a REAL High priest who can actually save us from our sin filled selves. And, thank God, there is one.


Call out to the Great High Priest-Jesus stands at the shore. His hands outstretched to you.

Hebrews 4:14-16…click here…