Creator Words

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Work for This-First

Study God’s Word in context.

This is what Bible experts remind us. Yet, we often separate verses we like from the context of the passage. When we do this, the truth of the word becomes soft and loses its full power. How do I know?

I do it.

We do it collectively.

An example is found in Hebrews 4: 11-13. Read the verses first.


Now, what is the context? The writer to the Hebrews has been strongly reminding the readers to “enter the Sabbath Rest.” What is meant by “Sabbath Rest?” In context, it is the eternal life found through Jesus Christ. This “rest” is for eternity. The reader of Hebrews is encouraged to strive, work for the “Sabbath Rest” God provides. Sadly, we lose this desired rest by hardening our heart. We will return to hardened hearts shortly. For now, keep thinking about context.

What have you believed about this passage? We’ve taken verses 12-13 and separated them from the previous verses of this chapter. Don’t know if you have…but this is true in my case. How do we interpret verses 12-13 typically? We read them and think of the Bible. This is not the context.  True, the words of God in the Bible are living and active. The words of scripture penetrate the human soul…true-but this is not the context of this passage.

This passage is about entering the eternal “Sabbath Rest” by “faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ.” (last quote from the Concordia Study Bible.) Verses 12-13 taken in context with the previous verses of chapter 4 are the reason we are to “give serious attention to the exhortation” given to enter the Sabbath Rest. (quote from Study Bible footnotes) In other words, chapter 4:1-13 is an exhortation-a significant warning FROM GOD to not repeat the “sad example of Israel in the desert.” (Another phrase from Study Bible footnotes.)

Pause a moment longer. What was the “sad example of Israel?” They were freed from slavery in Egypt by miraculous acts of God…not one, multiple. They were led by God during the day by a cloud and at night by a pillar of fire. They drank water from a rock where there was only sand, and rocks before. Every day they ate food from heaven, the Bible calls it “manna.” Yet when God told them to enter the land He had promised, eight of the ten spies sent by Moses to “spy out” the land came back with the report that it was impossible…there were giants in the land. They could never overcome them. They doubted God and disobeyed Him-in spite of all of the miracles that they had seen and continued to see. God promised them an earthly “Sabbath Rest…in the “Promised Land.”

They disobeyed.

Now you may be thinking-I would never act like the Israelites. I would have enough sense to look at the miraculous signs: cloud, fire, food from Heaven etc. I would never disobey God. But we have the entire Bible. We have the account of Jesus dying for us on the cross in the New Testament. Do not deceive yourself-we are the same as the Israelites. They were guilty of hardened hearts. This is the very thing the writer to the Hebrews is warning about in chapter four! Do not harden your heart.

It is still today. If you are reading this there is still time.

We are called to repent-to turn from our sins. Hebrews 4:1-13 invites us to the “Sabbath Rest” found only through faith in Jesus. Verses 12-13 tell us plainly that this call to rest from the Word of God is not to be taken lightly. It warns us that entering the “Sabbath Rest” is of first priority for us. First comes repentance, a turning from sin. The Israelites obeyed when it was too late. God said, “Go, enter the land I am giving you.”

The Israelites said, “No.”

 In this passage from Hebrews…God tells us directly. Do not harden your heart. DO NOT SAY “NO” to God…Repent.

These verses from Hebrews four are the words of the Authority of the Universe…it’s what verses 12-13 mean in context. And God’s Living Word is to be followed. “Make every effort to enter that rest…Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” Make EVERY effort…

Work for this-first.