Creator Words

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Come, Follow Me

Jesus walks along the shore of your life today. He has words to speak to you. He says, “Come, follow me.”

With these same words Jesus also called the 12 disciples. Peter, Andrew, James and John were first. They were fishermen. Jesus found them on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. He didn’t have to search for them. Jesus is Creator of the universe. He knew where they were.

Do you find the response of these four men remarkable?

They did not have time to “sleep” on the call of Jesus.

Jesus called them to follow Him.

They did.

They had debts. They had fishing gear-an investment in equipment. They did not consult their families. James and Andrew even left their father in the boat with the net mending unfinished. They did not delay the call of Jesus to fill a contract for fish. There was no “wait until tomorrow Jesus.”

Three words describe their response: "at once” and “immediately.”

That day, Jesus called them. They did not know He was coming. They had no time to “make arrangements.” Jesus came to them and called.

They left everything and followed Him.

This is a powerful account.

Does it seem impossible to leave everything to follow Jesus as these four did? Pause a moment to consider what we think we are “giving up.” Family? If they believe they will be in heaven with you-if you believe. That big house you dream of? Jesus has created mansions in heaven for every believer. That carefree l lifestyle which seems so alluring? Heaven is filled with infinity…the human mind cannot imagine the glory and joy. Allure of earthly things is tarnished, dull and immeasurably boring compared with the majestic glory of eternal heaven, Just because heaven is beyond the visible now does not make it less real.

Know this: the invitation of Jesus is the BEST gift you and I can receive. Nothing…no person, no job, no earthly possessions, no luxury home…NO THING ON EARTH equals the call of Jesus on a human life.

Everything you and I believe necessary or important on earth cannot equal the invitation of Jesus to follow Him. With the great and infinite love of God-He calls everyone today:

“Come, follow me.”

Feel the power of God in these words? Ask Him to give you the courage He gave to Peter, Andrew, James and John…stop, look!

Jesus is near…He softly calls… “Come, follow me.”

P.S. Friend, there IS life after death. We both know it’s called eternity. We will spend a lot more time there than here. Jesus calls us to settle our eternal destination…settle your eternity while it is still today.