Creator Words

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Rock Music

Only a few days have passed since the New Year began-if God permits- you and I have many days to remember a fact:

“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” (Psalm 24:1)

Why is it important to remember this? What difference does it make to me?

It matters to every human breathing right now. This truth is the foundation of all life. Honestly-“it’s all God’s” should be the basis for every decision either of us make. This fact should be the determiner for how we respond to every person we meet and interact with for the rest of 2023. It should guide all we do and everything we say. This reality can take away all our fears and anxieties-every day.

It’s all God’s…this is bedrock truth for human life.

When Jesus neared Jerusalem on a donkey that day in Israel, the Pharisees who followed Jesus to catch Him in something wrong had grown tired of the Hosannas. They actually told Jesus to make the people stop:

 “And some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” Luke 19:39-40

Maybe your first reaction is like mine… “No, rocks don’t sing. Jesus is exaggerating.” But, any doubts about the truth of Jesus words shows we have forgotten WHOSE UNIVERSE we live in. Jesus does not exaggerate. He is God with a human body. The universe is His.

There is a word which explains these two verses from the Bible. SOVEREIGNTY -God is supreme, over all.  Allow these truths to sink into your soul…it’s all God’s and God so loves the world. This is why Jesus; Creator of the universe was on His way to Jerusalem-to die for the sins you and I will commit-today.

One day we will hear the rocks sing.

This is original “rock music.” Isaiah wrote … “The whole earth is full of His glory.” (Isaiah 9:6) And…it won’t be only the rocks that sing. No one will be able to stop the music of praise. Think of it: a symphony of the universe! Jesus directs it.

He IS the Savior we need.