Creator Words

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Awake...and Ready

“Jesus said, ‘Always be ready for my return. Be like people that are ready to start work at any time. They have put on their clothes so that they are ready for work. And they have lit their lamps. You must be like servants that are waiting for their master to arrive. When he returns home from the marriage party, he will knock on the door. His servants should be ready to open it for him immediately. Those servants will be very happy if their master finds them awake. Then the master will dress himself to give them food. He will say to them, “Sit at the table. I will come to serve you.” The master may arrive in the middle of the night. He may even arrive just before the sun rises. But, if the master finds them awake and ready, the servants will be blessed . You can be sure about this. The master of a house does not know when a man might come to rob him. If he knew the time, he would keep awake. He would not let the robber come into his house and take away his things. You also must be ready. The Son of Man will come at a time when you are not thinking about it.’”

Luke 12:35-40


Jesus is not advocating sleep deprivation.

He’s telling us what should be on our minds.


He is coming back to earth. Stay awake and be ready.


We could respond to these words from Jesus about His certain return by attempting to determine when that time is. The rationale-then we can be prepared at the right time. This is a waste of time and thought.


Jesus says we cannot know the day or hour of His return:


“Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.”

Matthew 24:42


Today, two words stand out: awake and ready. These are not complicated instructions.

Awake…not made complacent by pursuing riches on earth.

Awake…loving others more than ourselves.

Awake…knowing there is a place of forever peace and joy prepared by Jesus for those who believe in Him.

Awake…Conscious that this world is God’s…He is in control…even of the details.


Ready…prepared.  For the “any moment” return of Jesus with a heart yielded to Him. He is Lord.

Ready…set. As a sprinter at the start of a race-mind and body ready to join Jesus. Waiting for the trumpet which sounds Jesus’ return. Heaven is home for a person who believes in Jesus.

Ready…organized. Our life in order-forgiving those we have wronged, giving of our earthly riches to God’s work…giving our time for His service. Having our life in order-able to leave as soon as Jesus comes for us.

Ready…equipped. While we wait for Jesus to come, we prepare by reading the Bible. We make time to talk with Jesus…we bring our fears, troubles, needs and the needs of others to Him in prayer. The Bible and prayer are preparation tools God has given us to be ready.


Today Jesus reminds us…I’m coming back. This is my earth. You are my creation. I love you. I want you in heaven with me. You don’t need to know when-Just be ready. Just be awake to the truth. I will return.