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Proud Peacock Tough Guy Meets Love

Don’t let his name fool you. Naaman was a tough guy. Truth is, he was tough enough, and smart enough to be the commander of a large army-the army of Aram. Before you scoff scornfully ancient Aram included Syria, southeastern Turkey, and parts of Lebanon and Iraq…a lot of real estate. Naaman commanded the country’s army. You don’t lead an army of soldiers like this without toughness-both physical and mental. That was Naaman.


Was Naaman proud “as a peacock?” Our answer is in these questions: If you were in Naaman’s place would you be proud? Even overly proud? The king of Aram esteemed Naaman…think of it as admiration. Naaman got things done-like invasions, conquered cities, captured enemies…and loot.

“The king of Aram had great admiration for Naaman, the commander of his army, because through him the Lord had given Aram great victories…” 2 Kings 5:1a. Yes, Naaman had reasons to be proud.


But this proud, tough guy Naaman had a problem. He had leprosy.

“But though Naaman was a mighty warrior, he suffered from leprosy.” 2 Kings 5:1b


In those days leprosy wasn’t just a problem…it was a death sentence. In Naaman’s time, leprosy killed.


Take a moment, put yourself in Naaman’s place. You are one of the world’s most powerful men. But-Leprosy makes you untouchable, unclean and forces you to separate yourself from others. No one would come near a leper in those days for fear of infection. How could he command the army with an infectious disease? We know what fear of infection does to people-we’ve seen it recently. We could describe Naaman’s situation with one word-desperate. Really a tough spot for a proud person.


One of the people Naaman captured was his wife's servant girl (a little girl) from Israel. She knows Naaman’s problem. She offers a solution.


“One day the girl said to her mistress, “I wish my master would go to see the prophet in Samaria. He would heal him of his leprosy.””

2 Kings 5:3


What does this powerful army commander do? He listens! Told you he was desperate…

So, the King of Aram sends a lot of money and rich clothing along with Naaman-you “pay” for the miracle. (Most times we think we can buy miracles) Elisha the prophet of God tells Naaman (through a servant-not directly) to “wash” himself 7 times in the muddy Jordan River. How do you think this proud guy reacted? You got it. This proud guy got on his war horse and pointed its nose toward Aram! But,after Naaman’s officers calmed him down-he sort of followed Elisha’s directions.


And-Naaman was healed. He got the miracle he needed.


This account of a powerful ancient Middle East army commander directly applies to us.


You ask…how can that be?


 It’s because God is sovereign. God is over all. God directed his servant girl, stopped him and then healed Naaman. After healing, the tough guy said these words:


“Then Naaman and his entire party went back to find the man of God. They stood before him, and Naaman said, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel…” 2Kings 5:15a


Dear friend, don’t miss the most important part:


God saw Naaman.

God knew his pain and suffering.

God alone could help him.

Remember the little servant girl? She could have hated Naaman. It was his army that tore her from her home and family. Instead, she showed love towards Naaman. God used her to show His love to Naaman. That Naaman-who ruined people’s lives, the one who plundered and killed the innocent. The same one who forced her into a life of slavery.  

Did he deserve the love of God?


Here's another fact-because God is sovereign-He gives His love to all. Even to those we conclude are undeserving. God chooses to love the proud peacocks of the world, and the powerful people who use their power for evil. God loves even them. Jesus died for the sins of ALL people.


Let’s make this real personal-Jesus speaks these words to all Naaman's that includes me & you:


“I see you.

I know you hurt.

Let me help.”


Jesus can wash us clean.

Believe and be saved.

Repent and be forgiven.



God is over all…even peacock tough guys.

He saved Naaman years ago…His love never changes-HE can wash us clean of our leprosy of sin today.


It was Jesus who said, “truth can set us free.”

Let's put it in print: This message is true

(peacock )