Creator Words

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One or the Other-No More

One or the Other-No More


It’s that simple.

There are only two options.


Don’t let that bother you-only two options. Don’t be distracted by the limitations…these two options are absolutely the most significant in your life and mine. There is no need for “Plan 3.”


One or the other…Nothing else really matters. You know it’s true, done or not, our planned agenda for today will be gone by sunset. Besides, we are given just two. Didn’t I say it was simple?


We can acknowledge Jesus-confess He is Lord.

That’s option 1.


Option 2? Deny Him. That’s refuse Him.


When we fail to acknowledge Him for who HE is…We’ve denied HIM. It’s either or…no variation.


When we acknowledge/ confess He is Lord, we get a second benefit-it’s ENORMOUS-Jesus acknowledges us in Heaven. He tells the angels! Think of it…your name and mine announced by the Lord of the Universe…in heaven…and EVERYONE there will know.


““And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God, but the one who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God.”

Luke 12:8-9


The words of Jesus are clear. There can be no mistaking what Jesus means. The consequences are also clear-even though from our busy lives it may not seem so. We shouldn’t forget, our busy lives have an expiration date. It’s not stamped somewhere on our hand…we don’t know the day or time our lives end. Jesus does.


These words written by Luke, spoken by Jesus are HIS promise.


Now- once more…He gives us just two options…the first one is infinitely generous…far more than we deserve. The second-reality. Both are permanent…as in forever.