Creator Words

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What's There to Lose?

 The apostles said to the Lord, “Show us how to increase our faith.” The Lord answered, “If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘May you be uprooted and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you!

Do these verses seem to be out of place? In the previous verses Jesus taught about temptation and forgiveness.

Wait…temptation and forgiveness are hard.

Either one is impossible to do on our own strength. And Faith is being sure of what you place your hope in. Faith is confidence in what cannot be seen. The disciples of Jesus just realized they could not withstand temptation. They could not forgive by their abilities…it’s as though they recognized the hopeless situation sin put them in.

They cried, “Help!”

They went to right Person.

“Jesus, we need more faith!”

Are we any different?

Temptation surrounds us. We are losers when it comes to forgiveness. We need faith in the only One who can enable us to overcome the difficulties of everyday life. We can do exactly what the disciples did-cry “Help! Jesus, increase our faith. Increase our trust in you Jesus. You are the way the truth the life.”

Don’t forget, the Bible tells us where Faith comes from- “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17. Faith comes from Jesus. The word of Christ is found in the Bible. Find a Bible…begin to read in Matthew, Mark, Luke or John…read the words of Jesus. (Just read aloud to hear them as you read.)

We are the same as the disciples. You and I need faith that Jesus is the answer to all of life…including temptation and forgiveness. We can pray that He will increase our belief in Him. This is a prayer God will CERTAINLY answer.

Try it.

Go ahead…ask for more faith.

Really, is there anything to lose?