Not Only Purple
Purple asters are in bloom.
Wait, it is a bigger event than you think. Purple in petals is beauty compounded. Purple framed in green is eye pleasure worth seeking.
It gets bigger.
The purple aster blooms from late August to late September in ideal conditions. In a prairie or a road ditch Purple Aster, Stiff Golden rod and the miniature white blossoms of Heath Aster create a spectacular blend of complimentary contrasting colors.
A recent walk to view this early fall beauty was rewarding. My eyes were treated to the delicate purple of Smooth Blue Aster blossoms All three colors, goldenrod yellow, and aster purple and white were all visible. Enjoying the autumn color of Smooth Purple Aster is a pleasurable seasonal event. These are fall color in miniature.
The arrival of autumn purple is predictable. So is Heath Aster white and goldenrod yellow. Toss in the brilliant red of Sumac and the range of color approaches a rainbow.
Fall colors are beautiful. Think about the much bigger truth. The brilliant colors please our eyes. It happens every fall in North America. Hundreds of thousands of people trek to see the fall colors. They seek the mega colors draping entire mountain sides, entire hillsides in mile after mile of color.
It is OK if you just enjoy the fall color.
But you should know the life truth in this. There is freedom in knowing it.
Explain fall color as phenology, the seasonal or cyclical occurrence of natural events. Have you thought about the remarkable fact that these fall colors are predictable? Fall color change is regular. We know it will come within days of the previous year. No human will can alter this predictable change. Fall colors come on a timetable we cannot alter or impact.
What is the bigger truth? Fall color change reveals where the power is. God has it. While we greatly enjoy the purple, brilliant yellows, contrasting white, and deep Sumac reds; we cannot command them to appear on a whim. Look behind the curtain of fall, see its Director.