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A Reason for Butterflies

We have two fine specimens before us. One is fresh, new and vibrant. The other, tattered, torn, worn out in appearance. The monarch and the black tiger swallowtail are fine specimens. It could be argued the either is the most beautiful butterfly. You are thinking, not the black swallowtail, it’s faded and looks like a wreck. Do not allow appearance to influence the truth. Both are outstanding.


Here is why both are fine specimens…both are exceptional earth creatures.


We begin with the easy example, the monarch butterfly. The one in the photo is a fresh butterfly. Its scales have not been worn off by numerous brushes with leaves, branches or more serious collisions with large objects. Its wings are bright. Likely, this butterfly had recently emerged from chrysalis. We know by the time of season what is in the future for this butterfly: a trip to Mexico. Yes, the wings of this monarch, though closed for the photo, will carry it over the majority of the North American continent. Built in butterfly instincts will generate the navigation savvy this insect needs to traverse rivers, fields, forests, cities, highways and dangerous traffic in order to arrive safely at its mountainous Mexico wintering site.


Allow me to suggest other words to describe this exceptional butterfly. Try these: splendor, majesty, strength and joy. Permit me to suggest to you that you use each of these words to describe the monarch butterfly. Try it now…before you read on. You’ll discover each word adds to our appreciation of the monarch.


The second specimen, the one in the photo I am sharing with you is not a beautiful example. It is nevertheless-exceptional. Begin with the obvious question-what caused the left lower wing of the butterfly (black ones are female) to be torn? Did this butterfly survive a life-threatening attack by a bird? Since this butterfly is a female and the tattered condition of her body indicates age, how many eggs has this one butterfly deposited on the plants in the area? Do not be fooled. This butterfly looks worn out. It did not act that way. To take the photo, it was necessary to move about to find a time when it was still long enough for a picture. It could fly! It was fast and still agile. Based on the season, with fall approaching, the eggs this female has already placed on plant stems will hatch and live to pupate just before winter begins. The pupae of this butterfly will overwinter in temperatures reaching minus 30 degrees for many nights. Winter in the area where this butterfly was feeding on cup plant nectar is easily 5 months long. Five months of temperatures that would quickly kill the female, but not her offspring in pupa. Told you this is an exceptional creature.


Now, try those words on the black tiger swallowtail: splendor, majesty, strength, joy. Again-try it now…before you read on. Just make up the sentences in your mind. You’ll discover each word adds to our appreciation of the black tiger swallowtail.


There is another word for us to use regarding these two species of butterfly.


It’s meditate.


That’s meditate as in think, consider, deliberate and reflect. Ponder is a good word for it. These two butterfly species are living splendor. Use the word magnificent if you like. They are majestic. When we see either, our minds are captivated by the dignity we see in either of them. What about strength? Strength? Fly to Mexico on butterfly wings? Survive frigid below zero nights week after week?


Then there is joy. Begin joy with the smile that butterflies like these put on our faces. Continue to the jaw dropping wonder that over takes our hearts as we watch them finding nourishment from flowers. Joy as we marvel at the symmetry and design, the perfect arrangement of colors. Butterflies bring humans happiness, delight, thrills and pleasure…all rooted in joy.


Meditate with me just a moment more.


How do splendor, majesty, strength and joy come to be found in butterflies?


Consider this: God put these qualities in butterflies that we might know who He is. God is living splendor. God is infinite majesty. God is unlimited strength. Jesus is joy everlasting. God is always speaking to us. Look at the butterflies.



Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his place.

1 Chronicles 16:27


I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles.

 Psalm 145:5