Enduring Earth-Snow to Water
Endure, a confidence building word.
Endure as in remain, go on…last.
What endures?
Earth remains, goes on, lasts.
God’s creative faithfulness…
By His faithfulness, earth lasts, goes on, earth…endures.
Feel assurance, certainty, trust…
Earth endures.
Contemplate facts of one example…snow.
Falls to earth white.
Coating everything in a cold blanket…
always white, always cold, always crystals, no two the same.
Snow endures.
Change the air temperature, increase the number above 32 F.
Snow crystals become clear, change to water.
The process never changes, ever.
Below 32 F/0 C…white, frozen crystals.
Above…liquid, clear, crystal.
Got it?
Earth endures.
Your faithfulness continues through all generations;
you established the earth, and it endures. Psalm 119:90
These snow/water photos were taken the day after a winter snow event. Beauty and evidence that earth endures…