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Green in Three Days

Green ever since.

Green every spring, bringing fresh life to old stems.

Fresh, new Box elder leaves, not torn, not eaten…producing chlorophyll…and food.

New leaves, tender, green.

Science calls it chlorophyll...the plant chemical.

Green…since the third day…plants make food with it.

Found only in plants and algae.

Combine chlorophyll with carbon dioxide, water, minerals, sunlight-presto!

… Human food…and health.

A green miracle substance with antioxidants, vitamins and therapeutic elements built in.


No surprise.

Life on earth depends on this green chemical.

On earth 3 days after the beginning.

A gift we take for granted

… no human involvement.

It always works.

Where does chlorophyll originate?

Green pastures come from God.

He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,

Psalm 23:2

Leaves are never any more fresh or tender than when they first emerge in spring.

Humans are not the only ones who benefit from green plants. This cottontail had eaten the tips of all the green plants I could see in this area.