Creator Words

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Think of it as richness.

Think of it as completeness.

Fullness is comprehensive…

everything covered…


Find it on an island…

fullness of life on a sliver of sand

28 miles east to west no more than 1 mile wide.

Sand, white, fine grained silicone dioxide, calcium carbonate sand.

Can fullness come from sand?


Birds in abundance, innumerable fish, limitless marine life and miraculous…

uncountable plants growing in…sand.


complete, comprehensive, abundant, richness…

comes from God.

So does beauty, peace, tranquility and wonder…

also found on this sliver of sand.

Be still, watch, listen, consider the fullness of God.


The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness,

The world and those who dwell therein. Psalm 24:1