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A Witness for Wisdom

The back yard feather celebration happens daily.

The festivities include Chickadees, Red Breasted Nuthatch,

Pine Siskin, House Finches, and Downy Woodpeckers.

These came while I watched.

There are others.

Each bird species a witness for wisdom.

Understanding, knowledge and infinite intelligence

displayed in every bird.

More than 10,000 different life forms,

call them birds.

Each unique, in color, song, and behavior.

Wisdom in plumage, eggs, and flight,

include their nests, and migration.

Wisdom fills winter adjustments, consider

overnight torpor, 25 percent more feathers,

added brain cells to remember cached food.

Every bird a wisdom marker.

Each feather points to God.


Who gives the ibis wisdom or gives the rooster understanding?

Job 38:36