Creator Words

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Lion's Den-Or Snow Crystal?

I have something for you to think about. It involves ego and pride, there is also human envy and deceit. On the other side of this narrative there is dedication and faithfulness. It ends with a miracle. One of the main characters in this account is a king. The other main character is his trusted advisor. There are dangerous animals in this narrative as well.

Kings and queens are not today’s method most nations use to lead government. In March of 2020 there were a reported 29 people who hold the title of king or queen. A monarch has a great deal of power. A spoken command by the king or queen is the law of the land. Darius the Great ruled the Persian empire starting about 522 B.C. (BCE for many). King Darius ruled a vast empire. It included the Middle East. Do a search on Darius the Great, you’ll see this is fact. Because the Middle East was part of his kingdom, a man named Daniel was part of the group of advisors and administrators who were part of the king’s officials. Daniel was the brightest and best. His rivals hatched a plot to have Daniel thrown to the lions. They knew Daniel was religious and prayed to God every day.

King Darius while powerful, was very human. Appealing to the king’s ego, the rivals of Daniel hatched a devious plan. They had the King sign a proclamation that no person in the kingdom could pray to anyone but …you guessed it…King Darius. Without careful reflection King Darius signed the proclamation. And you are right…the rivals of Daniel immediately went to King Darius and told him the news: Daniel was still praying to God-not King Darius.

King Darius was inwardly crushed. Daniel was his most trusted and wise advisor. But a king’s edict was a king’s edict. Daniel was taken to the lion’s den…thrown in with the door quickly closed behind him. They sealed the door shut so there was no way for Daniel to escape.Pretty gruesome thought isn’t it? Imagine Daniel’s thoughts as he heard the door quickly slam shut behind him. He was about to be torn apart by lions. You can imagine what that must be like yourself.

Now switch characters. Think about King Darius. He knew Daniel was innocent. Imagine the guilt which hit the king. His pride had put Daniel in a place where death was certain. Daniel had committed no crime. He was in the lion’s den because his rivals were envious of Daniel’s ability and wisdom. Daniel was in the lion’s den because he believed in God and daily prayed to Him.

King Darius spent a miserable night. Read the Bible, Daniel chapter 6. Darius could not sleep. Very early in the morning…perhaps at first light, the King rushed to the lion’s den. The big question for the King-could God rescue Daniel? Would he hear growls and roars of lions? Would he hear the voice of Daniel? Need another indication of the stress the king felt? He cried out to Daniel in the lion’s den…in anguish. Anguish means suffering and distress. “Daniel, servant of the living God! Was your God, whom you serve so faithfully, able to rescue you from the lions?”

A King in world history said those words.

One of the most trusted advisors to a world leader in world history replied with these words. “Long live the king! My God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in his sight. And I have not wronged you, Your Majesty.”

Do you know what one of the world’s most powerful kings learned from lions?

God exists.

 Do you think those lions were well fed, or were they ravenous? Your best guess is ravenous. Daniel’s rivals wanted results…Daniel’s sudden death. No human can close the mouths of hungry lions. The great Darius I learned a life lesson in less than 24 hours. There is a Creator. His name is God. He is all powerful.

Don’t worry about the lions. They got fed. The king fed Daniel’s rivals to the lions. The lions were hungry alright.

With all the events surrounding Daniel and the lions and his very tortured sleepless night still fresh in his mind, King Darius issued a new decree. He said,

“I decree that everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before the God of Daniel.

For he is the living God,

and he will endure forever.

His kingdom will never be destroyed,

and his rule will never end.”

Quite a powerful narrative isn’t it? This account has been on my mind today. I wanted you to know about it. It happened long ago. But it happened. It took a tortuous night with thoughts of lions for King Darius to believe that God is the living God. He knew Daniel believed in God and prayed to him. He witnessed Daniel thrown to the lions for his belief in God…and the King saw with his own eyes the power of God.

Want to see the power of God for yourself? No, you don’t have to be thrown to the lions. You and I can see the power of God in something far less dangerous than a hungry lion. In fact, there is no danger at all. Use your eyes. Examine the snow flake photos. There are no fangs growls or roars…just breath-taking frozen water crystals with intricate designs. Snow crystals are what happens to rain drops when they freeze.

No two ever the same.

For every winter since the earth began-even when King Darius and Daniel lived. No two the same. Science estimates that one septillion snow crystals fall to earth in one winter season. A septillion is a trillion trillion…1 followed by 24 zeros.

Is there a God? King Darius was certain, so was Daniel. Would you like your own proof? Look at the snow crystals. It’s far safer than the lion’s den.