Creator Words

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These Boundaries Matter

What is a boundary? Being a synonym fanatic, we’ll use a synonym to explain. A boundary is a border for something or someone. Expressed another way, a boundary is the edge, it’s the limit…as far as something will go.

 Boundaries matter. It is not a question to be explored…it is proven science.

 Nature may be the best place to discover that boundaries matter. Aldo Leopold, environmentalist, scientist, and author explained boundaries in the natural world by using the term, “home range.” His widely recognized and prominent collection of essays written about his property in “Sand County Almanac,” continues to be recognized as clear thinking about how nature works.

 Leopold’s book contains a chapter entitled, “Home Range.” In this chapter Leopold described in detail the “home range” of a Black-Capped Chickadee. He described the places a specific chickadee frequents, and the extent and limits of where it goes to find food and water. He followed this bird. He watched where it went, and discovered how large an area the chickadee needed to live. He found it traveled up to 1 mile from where it roosted or slept during the night. Nearly all life forms in nature have a “home range.” Call it the area in which they live. To humans, the boundaries are largely invisible.

 The bumble bee has a ‘home range.” It usually travels less than one mile from its nest to feed itself on plant nectar and collect protein rich pollen for the bumble bee larva in the nest. The boundaries for a bumble bee are created by what’s efficient. Food too far from its nest makes life difficult. Bumble bee nests are near sources of plant nectar and pollen. Call it their “home range.” Plants, animals, insects, and birds have set boundaries which they adhere to. It is how nature works. And nature works best with boundaries.

This is the first Tri-colored Bumble Bee I have seen for the summer of 2020. It name, Tri-colored, comes from the rusty stripe on its abdomen. Tri-colored Bumble Bees have 3 colors-black, yellow and orange. Beautiful…highly industrious too.

 It may come as a surprise, but, human life is best lived within boundaries.

 Not boundaries set by other people. Human proclaimed boundaries are usually polluted with a lack of clear knowledge about where boundaries should be. They can be tainted by greed and ego. Through-out history, when people prescribe boundaries, injustice, and unrighteousness are frequent outcomes. God established boundaries are clear, and He knows what is best for humans. Why? Begin with the truth…He made man and woman…”in His image.” His boundaries are preeminent, always the best. God set boundaries are the healthiest, safest places for anyone human. God knows our frailties, our temptations, our tendencies, our inner thoughts, and our ever-present discontentment. He has set boundaries…He has established the confines for human life.

 The word “boundaries” has been on my mind lately.

In our culture and country today, we have moved the boundaries. Boundary movement, or elimination is considered modern. Many voices today claim God’s boundaries to be out of date, not applicable in an age of technology. Wait…what if the opposite is true? What if boundary removal is unhealthy, even unsafe for humans? What if boundaries establish the best way for cultures and societies to function? Those set by God are.

 God’s “boundaries” are designed for every person to thrive in. They were established before the world began. He gave them to Moses. God’s 10 Commandments have not changed, they are still in force. But since sin prevents every human from keeping them-God MOVED the boundaries. God so loved the world, He sent Jesus, to be the Savior of the World. God moved the boundaries. Only He can do that. Jesus took the punishment for sin we deserve. In doing this, God moved the boundaries, the old boundary (The 10 Commandments) proved no human could earn righteousness. But, through the death of Jesus, by His blood shed for our sins, every person who believes in Him can be made righteousness.


Where did the ancestors of the human race get the ancient boundaries?


Only God can truly move boundaries.

Only God can establish them.

“Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors.” Proverbs 22:28