Creator Words

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Goal Setting-The Ultimate Goal

Why do we set goals?

Goal setting requires planning. It calls us to be specific in time, action, and intentional in thought. Every goal has an end plan. It tells us what life will look like if the goal is achieved. A goal provides us with purpose. Purpose in life adds quality to life. Setting just one goal a day resets our life course. With a goal, we know where we are going. With a goal we know what we will do. Even one daily goal prevents distraction and meaningless activity which ends in frustration.

May I suggest a goal for you?

This goal would be one to add to your daily list of goals. Make it your goal, until it becomes a habit. Set this goal as your first priority and all of the other goals you set for each day will be prioritized. With this goal first, other goals you think important will be filtered out. Those in line with your daily priority goal will fall in place. It is highly likely you will find your life more meaningful with this goal as your first priority. My guess, you will be happier and those around you will enjoy your company more.

This is my suggestion-for you-and for me.

Each day-seek to understand the Holiness of God.

No, neither of us can fully comprehend the infinite Holiness of God. God is entirely pure, in every way. We are impure-in every way. God is transcendent. Nothing, and no one equals God. He is perfect, and unlimited. God is superior in every way and THEN, superior in every way we cannot understand. How about you and me? One word describes us in relation to God…inferior in all ways. But there is great news for both of us. God desires that we know Him. Knowing God means knowing He is utterly HOLY.

How can we know God is HOLY?

This is the purpose of Creator Words…to connect us with God. Rediscovering each day that God is Holy is something you and I would be wise to make as a goal…each day. God has put His qualities and power on display for us that we may know He is Holy…all powerful…and entirely God of all the universe.

Need a recipe to seek the Holiness of God? Try these:

Look at the skies…many times each day. See the Holiness of God…

1.       During the day look up. The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies the works of His hands. Read about this in Psalm 19:1 

Birds are all around us…many times you see them when you look up.

2.       Watch the birds. Jesus reminds us to consider the birds of the air. Birds remind us of God’s infinite provision, and they are flying feather covered miracles.

I know these are clouds…windy days often have clouds. Watch the clouds move while listening to the wind.

3.       Listen to the wind. On windless days, listen for silence. God makes the wind His messenger.

How many colors in a sunrise? Watch, and make your list. Are they always the same?

4.       Watch the sunrise or set-or both in the same day. Watch the moon rise or set.

Be still. God creates every day. Stopping our busy running from one thing to the next…provides “still” time.

5.       Be still. This is my favorite. While sitting still and watching, consider the Holiness of God. God will do the rest

There is one more thing to consider, the evidence of what happens to the person who sees the Holiness of God. How can we know we are witnessing and “seeing” the Holiness of God? We are silent. We bow down. He is God.

Seeking the Holiness of God is a goal for which you will receive Divine help to achieve. He wants us to know Him.

The vastness of creation shows God’s Holiness…if we are still to recognize it.