Creator Words

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One Wish-What Would You Ask?

Mullein or Lambsquarter has extra soft leaves…you’ll delight in touching.

What if you had many responsibilities? What if the well-being of people depended on you making good decisions? Would you wish for wisdom? Now, what if you could have your wish granted-by God? If all powerful, all knowing, everywhere present God granted you your wish-it would happen.

One of my favorite historical accounts involves a young king. He had the responsibility of leading and protecting a country inhabited by millions of people. The first good thing, this young king was not arrogant. Just the opposite was true, he was humble. Second good thing, this young king knew God. He believed God existed and was supreme over all-even kings like him.

God must have been pleased with this young king. One night, this young king had a dream. God spoke to him. He said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Wow! This was no genie in a bottle offering three wishes. Eternal God, Creator of all things said to this young king, “ASK for WHATEVER you WANT me to give you.” While fairy tales are fun to hear and dream about…this really happened. God told this young king, I’ll give you one wish-what do you want? Think about that for a moment…God telling you He will give you whatever you want.

One wish…what would you ask for? Remember, you have a lot of responsibilities.

The Daisy always catches my eye…yous?

This young king asked God for wisdom. Wisdom from God is faultless, infinite and perfect. The historical record indicates that this young king became the wisest man the world had ever known. God said, “There will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be.” The young king’s name? Solomon. He was the wisest man the world has ever known. God’s wisdom allowed him to discern solutions to difficult issues. The one about two mothers claiming the same baby had the entire country in “awe.” (Read 1 Kings 3:16-28)

There was another aspect to the God given wisdom of Solomon which many people sometimes miss. This one concerns nature. King Solomon was the world’s greatest naturalist. For those who read Creator Words regularly, you will understand why this is attention-grabbing to me.

Just after this photo, this Great Egret caught a fish, and swallowed it within 3 seconds.

People of all nations came to Israel to listen to Solomon’s wisdom. Solomon must have found delight in God’s creation. The Bible account records these words, “He spoke about plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also spoke about animals and birds, reptiles and fish.” 1 Kings 4:33.

Dragonflies elevate their tails to cool themselves. What did King Solomon know about dragonflies?

Many times, while outside, my mind goes to these words about King Solomon’s naturalist talents. While God made it clear, there would only be one Solomon. God also made clear that His wisdom is available to all-who ask Him for it. It cannot be stated more plainly than this:

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5

We want wisdom. In these times of reported and real sickness, racial tension, riots and turmoil…we desperately need wisdom. But not human wisdom-God’s.

How do we begin? The Bible is clear about the answer to this question as well.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7


Wisdom from God is one of His greatest gifts to us.

God’s wisdom allows us to understand our need for Him.

God’s wisdom provides us with knowledge that we are sinful, and His wisdom gives us the sense that we need a Savior.

 We can ask God to give us wisdom.

He will.

But, what if you had just ONE wish?

Then, the most wise, intelligent, and shrewd thing we can do is believe in Jesus. God always grants this wish.

Blue and green are a great color combination. What did Solomon know about color?

{Solomon knew something about each of the subjects in the photos found in this blog.}

Damselflies do perch long enough for their photo to be taken, just barely.

Basswood trees framed by a blue sky, bathed in sunlight…always beautiful.