Creator Words

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Always Willing

Is there a cure for a terminal disease? What relief…there is. Continue reading…

It is contagious. It spreads person to person by droplets from the mouth and nose. Coughing and sneezing were primary ways of spreading it. At first there was no known cure. If you contracted the disease, you could die from it. People greatly feared this disease and shunned those who had it.


We are not referring to Covid-19. The disease in consideration is leprosy. Leprosy physically disfigured those who had contracted it. It effected the nerves, skin, eyes and lining of the nose. Because there was no treatment centuries ago, advanced cases of leprosy resulted in:


·       Paralysis and crippling of hands and feet

·       Shortening of toes and fingers due to re-absorption

·       Chronic non-healing ulcers on the bottoms of the feet

·       Blindness

·       Loss of eyebrows

·       Nose disfigurement

But advanced cases were far worse. Humans died from leprosy. History records that those with leprosy were required to “social distance.” They were required to cry out, “unclean! unclean!” It was the universal signal that the one crying out was a despised leper. Those becoming infected were even required to live in “leper colonies.”


Much of this has a familiar ring. We quickly identify with the fear of disease. The unknown characteristics of leprosy stressed the lives of those surrounded by the disease. People never knew if they would be next.


Haven’t heard of leprosy?

If not, it’s because a cure was found for leprosy in 1873. The scientist’s last name was Hansen. It’s not even called leprosy any longer. These days, it is known as Hansen’s disease. Even the stigma of leprosy is gone. Currently, approximately 150 people are known to contract “Hansen’s” Disease in the United States annually. However, leprosy continues to impact the world population. Over 200,000 cases are reported world-wide each year.


Today leprosy or Hansen’s Disease is completely curable. At the time of Jesus ministry nearly 3000 years ago…leprosy was much like Covid-19 is today. To contract leprosy was a life shattering event. In those days, it meant death…by inches. The one with leprosy lost everything, possessions first-then life declined bit by bit till death. No one wanted leprosy. Everyone feared it, from kings to beggars.


At this time, the people around the Sea of Galilee heard about a man who taught from the Torah with real authority. They also heard he had power over demons and disease. A man with leprosy who lived in the area got the idea that Jesus would heal him. He begged others to tell him where Jesus was. It was not easy to get other people to even listen to you if you were a leper. You had to shout out, “Unclean, unclean!” first. Then you hoped they would not leave until you could ask your question while keeping social distance. This man went through a lot.


But he wanted to be healed. He had never met Jesus. Yet, he had heard about what Jesus had done healing and restoring others around the Sea of Galilee. Sight unseen, this leper put his hope in Jesus. Day after day he begged others to tell him where Jesus was so he could go to him and beg for his health.


Would we do that?


The day came when Jesus was in the same vicinity as the leper. Remember the late stage symptoms of leprosy? Ulcers on the bottoms of your feet, paralysis of hands and feet? It was not easy for this leper to make his way to Jesus. In spite of pain and physical hardship he made his crippled way to Jesus.


There was a benefit to leprosy. It took away human ego. It destroyed pride. It forced humility. This man had no ego or pride. He went to his knees. His first words to Jesus were, “If you are willing…” We know what the other words which followed were. The leper wanted to be healed-free of disease. How did Jesus respond?


Bible translations use two different words: indignant and compassion. It is highly believable that Jesus was outraged at the condition of the man. Jesus was angry at what leprosy had done to one of His creations. It makes sense. Jesus highly loves us. When we are hurt, or nearly destroyed by disease Jesus is highly offended. Why? Because Jesus is always compassionate toward us. Jesus always has empathy, kindness and concern for us. He greatly cares for us. He is both indignant and compassionate in all of our negative life situations. That’s who the Savior of the World is. Know this: Jesus is always-FOR us.


The leper found this out. What were the first words of response from Jesus?


“I am willing,” The leper only had time to hear the words…then he was cured. You see Jesus spoke two more words: “Be cleansed.” Don’t take my word for it. The author of the book of Mark says it more clearly, “Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed.” Mark 1:42

How might we respond to that? One minute you have the most dreaded disease known in the world. You need no reminding. Your body is decaying, disfigured, and pain is with you constantly. Jesus speaks two words…the leprosy leaves-you are cleansed. Cleansed! Made healthy again.


Here’s the point.

There is a disease more contagious than leprosy. It is more contagious than Covid-19. It kills…every time. Sadly, every human on earth is infected. While the other two diseases are deadly and to be feared, this disease is proven to bring death-to 100% of every human. Yet many do not fear this disease. Some do not believe it exists. It’s real. This disease is plainly called sin. We all are affected by it. Sin is terminal. Often, our egos and pride may stand in our way. We do not wish to be healed. We do not believe sin exists. Does it? It does, and it is everywhere…just look around…be honest with yourself.

Now for the Good news!

Complete healing is possible. Like the leper when we go on our knees to Jesus and ask Him to heal us-Jesus says, “I am willing…be cleansed.”


Immediately, sin leaves us and we are cleansed. Wish you could talk with the leper? Wish you could hear him testify that Jesus really can heal us? But perhaps you are like the leper. You’ve suffered from the disease of sin. It has debilitated you. You suffer pain and sorrow which will not go away. Your life is miserable and getting worse each day.

Perhaps the account of the leper has already spoken to you.


Plead with Jesus…on your knees. “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me cleansed.”


Jesus is always willing.