Creator Words

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Sculptures of the Heavens

Clouds are God’s Masterpieces

Clouds…exist in three atmospheric levels. The low-level clouds… the cumulus, stratus and stratocumulus form below 6,500 feet. The midlevel clouds, altocumulus, nimbostratus, and altocumulus rise above 6500 feet to a soaring 20,000 feet. The last group of clouds form more than 4 miles above the earth. In this group are cirrus, cirrocumulus and cirrostratus clouds.

But these are empty facts if the human eye does not see them.

Every type of cloud carries water vapor. Every type moves with the prevailing wind. Clouds are part of the day’s weather. A day without clouds may be pleasant, but it lacks appeal. Clouds are the unique frosting to every day. Each day’s clouds are different. While the basic cloud types remain, the combinations of clouds are always different. Think of it, the human eye never sees exactly the same cloud-not even once.

The idea that God stopped creating after the first six days is demolished by clouds. The human eye can witness God as Creator any day there are clouds. God is always creating clouds… new formations, new colors, new motion in clouds. His power is clearly seen.

The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands…Psalm 19:1

Look at a cloud filled sky and consider this worthy question. Let it tumble around in your soul:

Do you know how God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash? Job 37:15